Ticonderoga Municipal Airport (4B6)
100LL Fuel – currently $5.15 per gallon
Official Ticonderoga Airport site
First Fill at the Airport
Airport Fee Schedule
Tie-Down Agreement
Ticonderoga Municipal Airport completes American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Fund Project

No Issues Reported – Check NOTAMs for sudden closure due to snow in winter season.

Hangar Space
Hangar space at the airport is limited at this time to one (1) privately owned hangar which is fully occupied with no space available. The Town’s airport planning does address long term future expansion which may allow hangar construction.
The Town of Ticonderoga proposes an overall goal of 5.1 percent for its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program for FAA funded projects for federal fiscal years 2023 and 2025. The proposed goal and its rationale are available for inspection during normal business hours at the Ticonderoga Town Clerk’s office, 132 Montcalm Street, Ticonderoga, NY 12883. Comments on the goal will be accepted by the Town of Ticonderoga, 132 Montcalm Street, Ticonderoga, NY 12883 and the FAA Office of Civil Rights, FAA Southern Regional Office, 1701 Columbia Ave., College Park, GA 30337.